Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Tips for Choosing the Right Laptop for Programming


Choosing the right laptop for programming is one of the biggest issues. With multiple options available in the market, it is not easy to get your hands on the right kind of laptop. Writing programs is possible on almost every laptop but increased productivity is one of the necessities and you will get that only with the right kind of laptop that suits your requirement. There are different types of programming languages, development, and a lot of complexity is also involved with some laptops.

Laptop Rental in Dubai

Buying the laptop that goes with all your requirements can be burdensome considering the cost. However, you always have an option to go for a Laptop Rental in Dubai at VRS Technologies LLC.

This article will help you in choosing the right kind of laptop:


If you are someone who doesn’t go to a lot of places and use your laptop only by sitting at one place, then you can go for a 15-inch laptop. These laptops come with better specifications and a bigger screen for multi-tasking. However, if you are someone who takes a laptop to different places to work, then I suggest you go with 13-inch laptops which can be carried with you everywhere you go. Touch screen laptops are a big no for programmers.


Always go with a laptop that has a display of Full HD 1920x1080 (1080P) or more. The laptop rentals will have multiple options with this display configuration and this is something that you have to think about. Laptop viewing is another important necessity and makes sure that your laptop has better viewing from all angles.

Processing Power:

It is important to have a laptop with great processing power. It is something that you can skip at any cost so ensure that you have a laptop with better processing power. There are so many options available in the market when it comes to processors and you can go with the best and highest processing powered laptop. The basic requirement would be an Intel Core i5 or i7 processor.

Memory (RAM):

Any laptop with less than 4GB of RAM is nothing but a waste of time for a programmer. The laptop should have 8 or 16 GB of RAM at a minimum and the storage capacity should be 512GB or 1TB to start with.

Do not skip on either of these

So, these are some of the tips that you have to think about when you are getting a laptop for programming. A laptop that meets all these specifications will be costly without any doubt and the only way you can skip those charges is by going for a Laptop Rental in Dubai.